dinsdag 24 september 2013

Let's Go Rockabilly & Rock And Roll - Volume 2

01 - Billy Eldridge - Let`s Go Baby (3:00)
02 - Joe Welz - Boppin' The Stroll (2:14)
03 - Sonny Fisher - Hey Mama (2:34)
04 - George Jones - Maybe Little Ba (2:00)
05 - Jim & Rod - Didn T It Rock (1:50)
06 - Kenny Owens - Long Long John (2:12)
07 - Jerry & The Capris - Dancing D (1:58)
08 - Chuck Barr & The Playboys - Jo (2:31)
09 - Daryl Vincent - Wild Wild Part (2:29)
10 - Mike Fern - Brake Jake (1:54)
11 - The Road Runners - Rains (2:03)
12 - Jimmy Ford - You're Gonna Be S (2:00)
13 - Bing Day - I Can't Help It (1:50)
14 - Don Willis - Warrior Sam (2:41)
15 - Johnny Rebb - Rock On (2:33)
16 - Billy Brown - Did We Have A Pa (2:22)
17 - Al Terry Watch Dog (2:07)
18 - Florian Monday - Rip It, Rip I (1:46)
19 - Alvis Wayne - Swing Bop Boogie (2:26)
20 - Lanny Duncan-Romeos Teacher (2:21)
21 - Bobby & The Demons - The Woo (2:03)
22 - Johnny Faire - Bertha Lou (2:22)
23 - Roray Reid - Mad Lovin' (2:14)
24 - Andy Anderson - Tough,tough,tough (2:34)
25 - Mac Curtis - That Ain't Nothin (2:12)
26 - Bonny Nelson - There Ain't Not (1:53)
27 - Jimmy Gray - Two Timer (2:28)
28 - Don Epperson - You're Gone Aga (1:40)
29 - Bobbie & Boobie - Teen Age Par (2:02)
30 - Kathy Zee - Cracker Jack (2:07)


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