1. BARRY MANN - on a night like this (2:36)
2. BARRY MANN - when i´m not teenage anymore (2:36)
3. JACK SCOTT - cry,cry,cry (1962) (2:39)
4. JACK SCOTT - what in the world´s come over you (1960) (2:44)
5. new colony six - i confess (1966) (2:39)
6. new colony six - love you so much (1967) (1:59)
7. nino and the ebb tides - lovin´ time (1962) (3:12)
8. quotations - see you in september (1962) (2:20)
9. quotations - summertime goodbyes (1962) (2:39)
10. RICKY VAC and the rock-a-ways - colleen (1961) (2:14)
12. shell - big big summer (2002) (3:20)
13. shell - she runs (2002) (2:30)
14. STEVE LAWRENCE - footsteps (1960) (2:15)
15. STEVE LAWRENCE - pretty blue eyes (1959) (1:52)
16. sunrays - i live for the sun (1965) (2:22)
17. surfaris - karen (1964) (1:41)
18. svenne and lotta (SWEDEN) - sandy (1973) (2:33)
19. swordsmen - kathi please don´t cry (1961) (2:46)
20. swordsmen - lonely boy lonely girl (1961) (2:22)
21. tabs - will we meet again (1958) (2:18)
22. telegrams - oh baby please (1978) (2:27)
23. terry and the crowns - shelly my love (2:30)
24. the marx - one minute more (1959) (1:37)
25. TONY AMATO and the chaperones - i dream (1985) (4:08)
26. trade winds - i believe in her (1966) (2:29)
27. trade winds - mind excursion (1966) (2:10)
28. trade winds - new york´s a lonely town (1965)
29. tradewinds - the girl from greenwich village (1965)
30. tradewinds - there´s a rock and roll show in town (1965)
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