woensdag 15 februari 2012

Hollywood Rock 'N Roll Record Hop

1. The Cadets - Stranded in the Jungle (3:03)
2. Shirley Gunter & the Queens - Oop Shoop (2:13)
3. The Jacks - Why Don't You Write Me? (2:51)
4. Joe Houston - Blow Joe Blow (2:08)
5. Dolly Cooper - Teenage Prayer (2:25)
6. Etta James - Good Rockin' Daddy (2:30)
7. Marvin & Johnny - Tick Tock (2:49)
8. The Cliques - The Girl in My Dreams (2:59)
9. The Cadets - I Want You (2:47)
10. Young Jessie & the Cadets - Mary Lou (2:59)
11. Joe Turner & Pete Johnson - Kansas City Blues (2:35)
12. Etta James - Crazy Feeling (3:17)
13. The Cadets - True Love (3:15)
14. Johnny "Guitar" Watson - Hot Little Mama (2:54)
15. B.B. King - Jump With You Baby (2:11)
16. The Rams - Rock Bottom (2:14)
17. The Ewing Sisters - My Babe (2:30)
18. Erwing Sisiters - 18-Erwing Sisiters -My Babe (2:35)
19. B.B. King - Bim Bam
20. Zola Taylor - Oh, My Dear
21. The Teen Queens - Rock Everybody
22. Hadda Brooks - Old Man River
23. Mercy Dee - Romp And Stomp Blues
24. Donna Hightower - Dog Gone II
25. Maxwell Davis & his Mod Cats - Everybody's Rockin' (Rag Mop)
26. Jesse Belvin - Goodnight My Love, Pleasant Dreams
27. THE CADETS- Rollin' Stone


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