Don't let go - Barry Stanton I got a woman - Barry Stanton Don't you worry bout that - Barry Stanton You are gone - Barry Stanton (I don't want to be a) teenage idol - Barry Stanton Indeed I do - Barry Stanton Beggin' on my knees - Barry Stanton Solitary confinement - Barry Stanton Back in your arms - Barry Stanton For now and always - Barry Stanton Little Miss Heartbreak - Barry Stanton You'll never learn will yer? - Barry Stanton Sweet Thing - Booka Hyland I dig girls - Booka Hyland We've got something going on - Booka Hyland The right time - Booka Hyland Transister - Booka Hyland Is it me? - Booka Hyland Paul I like it like that (Parts 1 & 2) - Wayne Movin' day - Paul Wayne Keep a walkin' - Paul Wayne You don't know - Paul Wayne Bye baby bye bye - Paul Wayne Tango Twist - Paul Wayne Hurtin' game - Paul Wayne Don't do that - Paul Wayne Dreamin' of you baby - Paul Wayne Dream for sale - Paul Wayne That's all right - Paul Wayne An interview with Booka
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